Best Vegetables With Vitamin C

Want to know what the best vegetables with vitamin C are, and why you should eat them? Well, read ahead to find out!

Best Vegetables With Vitamin C

Maintaining a healthy immune function is a priority today, and vitamin C supplements and medications have never been more widely available.

However, this water-soluble nutrient is naturally found in a wide range of vegetables that you most likely consume regularly.

When we eat vitamin C-rich foods instead of taking pills, we take advantage of the other amazing minerals and vitamins that the whole veggie has to offer. 

Free radicals play a role in the growth and progression of a range of diseases, such as colon cancer, diabetes, asthma, and atherosclerosis. Antioxidants fight free radicals, and vitamin C is the body’s main water-soluble antioxidant.

This could explain why people who eat a good healthy amount of vitamin C-rich foods have lower risks for all of these situations.

Vitamin C is required for the immune system to function properly, and it can also help to prevent ear infections.

See Also: What Are The Different Types of Vitamins and Their Benefits and Plant-Based Vitamin C

Brussels Sprouts:

brussels sprout stalk close up

Brussels sprouts are packed with vitamin C, folate, vitamin K, potassium, vitamin A, and magnesium.

Vitamin K and vitamin C are essential for bone health because they aid in the formation of collagen, which is important for bones.

Also, they help your immune system, improve bone strength, and are great sources of other nutrients, minerals, and fiber. In fact, Brussels sprouts have the third-highest antioxidant content after spinach and kale.


Fresh raw broccoli as detailed close-up shot on wooden background

Broccoli is an excellent veggie that has been shown to reduce oxidative stress, boost immunity, and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. 1/2 cup of cooked broccoli contains 55 mg of vitamin C or 60% of the daily value.

Besides being a great veggie for physical well-being. They also serve as a great found natural source of vitamin C, which aids in the repair of injured tissue and the maintenance of a healthy immune system.


curly leaf kale on a cutting board

Kale is a nutrient-dense vegetable with a wide range of health benefits. Most notably, it is quite high in vitamin C. 1 cup raw contains 85 mg, while 1 cup cooked contains 60 mg. Also, kale is full of vitamin K,

Don’t worry if you don’t like fresh kale! Cooking, steaming, and frying leafy greens are thought to help release more antioxidants, which aid in the prevention of chronic inflammatory conditions.

Bell Peppers:

Raw organic red bell peppers ready to eat on wooden table

Peppers are packed with nutrients and are low on calories. They are full of nutritions such as vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, potassium, and folic acid.

When bell peppers are allowed to ripen on the vine for a longer period, they contain more nutrition than other peppers.

Red bell peppers contain nearly 10 times the amount of beta-carotene and 2 times the amount of vitamin C as green bell peppers.

Yellow and red bell peppers are high in antioxidants, which aid in the eye and cardiovascular health. They are also high in vitamin C, which increases collagen levels and may assist in avoiding lung cancer.


bunch of parsley and scissors on wooden cutting board

Parsley is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants including vitamin A, C, K, and folate. It also includes secondary metabolites like lycopene, alpha-carotene, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

Parsley is also a rich source of iron, fiber, and potassium. It can be used to make herbal tea which contains the same benefits you would get eating it raw.

Red Cabbage:

red cabbage halves close up

Red cabbage, also known as purple cabbage, has a high vitamin C content while being lower in calories. A half-cup includes only 15 calories but roughly half of the daily value for vitamin C. It is also high in fiber as well as other vitamins.

Red cabbage offers a variety of nutrients that your body requires. According to research, eating cruciferous veggies like red cabbage could help to protect against certain types of cancer.

Red cabbage also may aid in weight loss because it is low in calories, high in moisture content, and good in soluble fiber and other nutrient-rich such as antioxidants.

It is a healthy supplement to your diet because these aspects make you feel full without eating a lot of calories.

Red cabbage is normally high in vitamin C, with just 1/2 cup of chopped red cabbage providing 50% of the RDA.

You’re probably aware that eating the colors means eating more antioxidants. Therefore, go for red cabbage for just an antioxidant boost.

Selecting a more colorful veggie can be an easy way for consumers to get more antioxidants in their diet.


young spinach leaves on a wooden table

The nutrient composition of spinach is a significant nutritional benefit. These leafy greens have a high nutritional content, including vitamins, A, B, C, E, and K. Also, spinach is a great source of iron.

Spinach is one of the most abundant sources of vitamin C. 200 micrograms of vitamin C are found in just two cups of raw spinach leaves. This is greater than the daily recommended intake of vitamin C for both males and females.

A daily dose of spinach leaves also includes about 1 milligram of iron, which is about 12% of the daily recommended intake for males and 5% for females.


assorted varieties of heirloom tomatoes close up

You can get 28 percent of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C by consuming one medium-sized tomato.

The vitamin C content in tomatoes can aid in the prevention of free radical formation. Cancer is known to be caused by free radicals.

Tomatoes come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they can be consumed in a variety of ways. Cherry tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, broths, juices, smoothies, and stewed tomatoes, are examples.

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