Brown Turkey Figs

You might be very tempted to grow your own figs if you enjoy them. Some fig varieties are only suitable for tropical or subtropical climates, but Brown Turkey figs can also be grown in temperate climates.

Brown Turkey fig trees are easy to prune for height control, adaptable to a wide variety of soils and fruit producers. Brown Turkeys need little maintenance and can be taught to grow as single or multi-stemmed plants, adding elegance and shade to the garden.

brown turkey figs on a white wooden background with a knife

What Are Brown Turkey Figs?

The trees thrive in a Mediterranean climate and produce copiously, making them invasive in some areas. Brown turkey fig trees are widely available, owing to their USDA zone tolerance of 7 to 11.

Also, gardeners with short growing seasons should be able to harvest some of the sweet-tasting fruits. Brown Turkey fig trees reach a height of around 20 feet (6 meters), but they can easily be pruned to a smaller plant. Silvery grey bark and fascinating gnarled silhouettes characterize mature trees.

The three to five large lobed leaves are mildly hairy on top and darker green on the bottom. The flowers aren’t particularly showy and appear at the ends of the branches, with fruit ready for harvesting at the end of summer or early fall. The lovely trees have shallow roots that can be invasive and potentially harmful. It is best to position the plant in a location that is both sheltered and receives full sun.

fig tree

How to Grow Turkey Figs?

In cooler climates, brown Turkey fig trees can be grown in containers. Place them on casters so you can quickly shift them indoors when the weather turns cold. Early season frosts may necessitate draping the tree with a blanket or other cloth to protect the ripening fruits.

It’s simple to grow Brown Turkeys from cuttings. Remove a sucker from a mature tree’s foundation. Place the cutting in moistened sand after dipping the end in rooting hormone. Keep the new plant moist and repot it in the potting mixture once you see new growth.

Turkey Fig Varieties

Brown Mission and Black Mission Turkey figs tend to be the most common in most markets, but a large variety of figs, particularly striped Adriatic figs and pale green Kadota figs, are becoming more commonly available.

Although there are minor variations in taste and sweetness, figs taste more or less like figs, so there’s no need to be hesitant to try a new variety.

What Do Figs Taste Like?

Fresh figs have a fluffy texture and a smooth, honeyed flavor. Fresh figs are worth checking out because of their distinct texture. The luscious fruit, which is studded with discernible seeds, is a far cry from the dried figs that most people are familiar with.

Figs that have been dried are still delicious. They should be plump and soft, and several have a sweet flavor. A dried fig filling is used in the famous fig roll or Fig Newton cookie.

dried figs

Health Benefits of Figs:

These delightful fruits are so sweet that it’s hard to believe they’re also very good for you.

1. High in Fiber

Two grams of fiber are contained in one large raw fig. Fiber softens stool, makes bowel movements more frequent, and prevents constipation, all of which are beneficial to digestive health. Since fiber binds cholesterol together and transports it out of your body, it also aids in cholesterol reduction.

2. Good source of Potassium

Potassium is a vital nutrient for heart health and blood pressure regulation.  Bananas and potatoes, for example, are healthy sources of Potassium. However, figs could be a fun new addition to the mix! One large fig contains 148 milligrams of Potassium, which is around 10% of your recommended daily intake.

3. Good source of Vitamin A

A portion of two medium-sized figs provides around 1% of your daily vitamin A requirement. Vitamin A is used by the body in a variety of ways:

  • Boost your immune system
  • To keep your vision in good shape
  • To help with reproductive health and to keep your heart, lungs, and other organs safe.

When figs are dried, much of the vitamin A is lost, so if you’re looking for this nutrient, in particular, use fresh figs.

4. Rich Source of Magnesium

Figs are rich in magnesium, and the benefits last long after the fig has been dried. Based on your gender and age, one serving of figs contains around eight to twelve percent of your daily magnesium requirement. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for a number of reasons:

  • Nerve and muscle function
  • Bone health
  • Protein production
  • Holding blood sugar and blood pressure in control

Where to Buy Figs?

Depending on where you live, fresh figs can be difficult to come by. Figs have two seasons: a fast, early-summer short season and a second main crop that starts in late summer and ends after the fall.

Since figs cannot tolerate temperatures below 20°F, they are not readily available in most of the Midwest and the Northeastern United States. Grab some fresh turkey figs if you see them in the shop. They aren’t going to last long.

How to Store Brown Turkey Figs Figs?

Fresh turkey figs don’t last long, so eat them within a day or two after purchasing them. They look and taste the best when held at room temperature with plenty of air circulation. They’ll last a little longer in the freezer, but chilling takes away some of the taste, so try to avoid it.

Dried figs can last for longer than fresh figs. When buying dried figs, make sure they’re free of mold and are fluffy. Dried figs can be easily stored in the refrigerator or in a cold, dark spot.


The Brown Turkey fig tree is a plant that can thrive in a variety of conditions with little effort. Figs are not only tasty and easy to come by all year, but they’re also high in nutrition. Figs contain calcium, Potassium, and magnesium, all of which are nutrients that many of us don’t get enough of on a daily basis.

Other Amazing Fruits To Read About


Yellow Dragon Fruit

June Plum

Otaheite Apple

Yellow Guava

Egg Fruit

figs on a wooden background

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  1. Wawoo very nice and very Important of brown turkey figs .I am happy to know the benefits of brown turkey figs

  2. Thanks for sharing these
    interesting information from brown turkey figs ,
    Good for blood pressure regulation

  3. Thanks for sharing these
    interesting information from brown turkey figs ,
    Good for blood pressure regulation

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