How To Peel A Pineapple
Pineapple (scientifically called Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant that is said to be native to South America, where it is the most economically cultivated plant belonging to the Bromeliaceae family. With its unique skin, you may be wondering how to peel a pineapple.
The history of pineapple dates back to the 17th century and was discovered by Europeans when they crossed South America. It was called pineapple because the shape appears like a pine cone. The eyes on the skin of pineapple are the scales that are removed to get the flesh of bright yellow color.
This tropical fruit once was rare and was often rented by royals for the display. Today, however, it is grown in several countries and is available worldwide.
Pineapple is a rich source of nutrients that includes Vitamin A, Beta carotenes, manganese, Magnesium, folate, zinc, potassium, and phosphorous. Not only the flesh but also the peel is a rich source of such nutrients.
Pineapple Recipes To Try
- Vegan Pineapple Upside Down Cake
- Pineapple Fried Rice
- Vegan Pineapple Tart
- Pineapple Guacamole Baked Plantain
- Vegan Blueberry Pineapple Bread
- Vegan Pineapple Coconut Donuts
- Teriyaki Soycurls With Pineapple And Bell Peppers
Is Pineapple Good For You?
Pineapple is originally a South American fruit, that is now grown all over India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, China, the Philippines, and Kenya.
Manganese, zinc, and vitamins B 6 and C are all in pineapple juice. These nutrients are essential for tissue repair, bone health, energy production, muscle growth, and the immune system. Zinc, phosphorus, calcium, choline, iron, and vitamin K are all present in minor or trace quantities, and several B vitamins are also present.
It is loaded with antioxidants and boosts immunity within the body. It also promotes cell growth and development. Also, anti-oxidants help in reducing inflammation and fighting chronic diseases.
Pineapples contain an enzyme known as bromelain. This enzyme aids in digestion and helps in breaking down protein more efficiently. It also assists with pancreatic insufficiency, which is a situation in which the pancreas is unable to produce enough digestive enzymes.
Because it reduces inflammation, pineapple helps in relieving joint pain caused by arthritis.
Pineapple juice has been shown to possibly have anti-cancer properties. Thanks to the high amount of bromelain in pineapples, which can help destroy toxins and cancer cells. The same enzyme can delay or stop cancerous cell development in the body.
Other benefits include improved vision, decreased hypertension, better digestion, good oral health, strong bones, reduced risks of blood clot formation, reduced risk of arthritis, helps to treat acne, helps to combat stress, glowing skin, reduction of black scars and pimples formation. Pineapple peels also have anti-aging properties, as it is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. These help to boost your immunity and thus helps your skin to glow. Read More.
How To Pick A Pineapple?
It can be challenging to find the perfect, juicy pineapple at the local supermarket. Fresh and fully ripe pineapples can have bright and attractive green leaves, as well as a greenish-yellow outer shell. Ripe pineapples should be soft when squeezed, with a firm outer layer.
How To Peel A Pineapple?
Pineapple peels have many benefits, however, the question is how do you remove the skin of the pineapple from its juicy ripe flesh? Peeling a pineapple is actually an easy process to get the fresh pulp of your riped fruit. All you need is to cut the upper and lower part and remove all the tough hard skin around them.
Always prefer a ripened pineapple as it is full of all the nutrients. Ripened pineapples are more on the yellowish tone as compared to the raw green tones. Moreover, the aroma of the fruit indicates the sweetness of the fruit. If a pineapple gives a sweet fragrance that means it is fully ripened.
- Place the pineapple on the cutting board and cover the base of the board with a towel to prevent sliding. Use your non-dominant hand to lay the pineapple on the board and keep the fingers curled around it. Use a chef knife or serrated knife to remove the top and bottom of the pineapple. The top part is with the green leaves and is often referred to as the crown of the pineapple.
- After removing the top and bottom parts, the fruit is now able to sit flat on the board. At this point, it is easier to peel off the skin using a serrated knife. Place the pineapple flat on the cutting board and position the knife in such a way that it lies flat over the surface. Move your knife from top to bottom so that all the peel gets separated from the pulp. Rotate and repeat to all the sides.
- After removing all the sides from the entire pineapple, you will notice that it still has prickly eyes all over the fruit. These pineapple eyes lie in a diagonal line so it’s easy to trim them away. The cut from a 45-degree angle can remove all the eyes. Make a V-shaped trench using the knife to remove the pineapple eye. You can use your finger to pull the trench you made using the knife.
- After removing all the eyes from the whole pineapple, now you can slice it. You can cut your pineapple into slices or wedges. For pineapple rings, you can place the pineapple on its side. Place the knife perpendicular to the upper surface. With the help of sharp edges of the knife, cut the round slices. You can use a round cutter to remove the central hard part. If you want to cut the pineapple into wedges, all you need is to cut it along the length. After cutting the long strips, you can remove the central hard part from each chunk.
What Do You Do With Pineapple Peel?
The pineapple is now peeled, you can save the peels to use for different purposes. The peels are especially used to make tinctures and herbal tea and are also used to make compost.
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