Rosemary Tea

Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) is a fragrant herb that belongs to the mint family. It is popular for cooking, but can also be used to make rosemary tea.

Nowadays, people are adding rosemary tea to their diet in Western countries, and they consider it magical tea.

According to their point of view, rosemary is more beneficial than other herbal teas. But the question arises is it really an elixir, or is it just a hype?

Imagine you are coming back from a long day at work. You are tired, your head hurts and you just want to relax or you just woke up and need something to kick start your day.

And what better way to make it better than with a cup of tea? Herbal teas have been around for centuries and are known for their medicinal properties. Rosemary tea is one of these herbal teas.

Rosemary tea is a great way to resolve both these problems. Not only will it relax and soothe you, but it has also been shown to improve memory and focus.

Rosemary has long been used in traditional herbal medicine as a way to help relieve headaches and other minor aches and pains.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce swelling and pain. And the best part is that it’s extremely easy to make, all you need is some fresh rosemary and hot water and that’s it!

That’s why people have been using this traditional herb in Ayurveda medicines and culinary dishes for many years.

In this article, we enlist scientifically proven benefits of rosemary tea and some potential drawbacks. Additionally, we will guide you on how-to brew the best tea at home.

See Rosehip Tea Benefits, Rooibos Tea Benefits, Pineapple Peel Tea, and a Detox Tea Recipe.

What is rosemary tea?

Rosemary tea is obtained from leaves of the rosemary plant, which is known as Rosmarinus officinalis. The rosemary plant is found in the Mediterranean region.

The name Rosmarinus comes from the Latin words Ros and Marinus, which together mean “dew of the sea.” Since the days of ancient Greece and Rome, rosemary has been used. To assist their memory during tests, ancient Greek scholars frequently adorned themselves with a garland of the plant.

Rosemary was used to curing the plague, sadness, gout, epilepsy, arthritis, and a variety of other illnesses in the Middle Ages. Today, many people still consume the herb as a tea to cure sore throats, colds of the head, and bad breath. 

This herb is an evergreen shrub that belongs to the family of mint. Also in the mint family are lavender, thyme, basil, and sage. You can prepare rosemary extracts, rosemary essential oils, and rosemary tea from rosemary leaves.

Rosemary is packed with iron, calcium, and vitamins. it is also an ingredient in culinary dishes. You can brew the tea by the leaves in your garden.

The tea has many advantages as it is used to treat hair loss in the digestive system. According to scientific research, rosemary tea has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumorigenic properties. 

fresh rosemary leaves

Rosemary tea recipe:

  • 1 tablespoon rosemary leaves (fresh or 1 teaspoon dried)
  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • Sweetener (optional)

How to make rosemary tea?

1- Bring water to a boil in a pot or kettle. 

2- Add rosemary leaves to a mug or put the leaves in a tea strainer and then into the cup.

3- Add the boiling water, cover the cup and allow to steep for 5 minutes. Strain the Rosemary leaves or remove them from the tea strainer and discard them.

4- Add sweetener of choice and enjoy!

Benefits of rosemary tea

Rosemary tea has plenty of health benefits. A few potential benefits of rosemary tea are here.

  • Protects your liver From Damage

Rosemary tea contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. Carnosol is one such compound that protects our liver from all kinds of chemical stress and inflammation. It also inhibits the formation of harmful peroxides in the liver and maintains the structural integrity of hepatocytes. So it prevents your liver from harmful diseases like cirrhosis and jaundice.

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

Nowadays, lifestyle and occupational disorders are at their peak. And as a generation, we are more depressed as compared to our ancestors. This is alarming.

Thus if you make rosemary tea a part of your diet, then it can help you get relief from your stress.

It has ursolic acid and rosmarinic acid. These two have antioxidant and antidepressant effects. They help you get relief from stress

  • Treats Alzheimer disease

Rosemary was used in alternative medicine to make the memory sharp and prevent memory loss.

In Alzheimer’s, there is severe dementia. Patient with Alzheimer’s undergoes degradation of neuronal cells. Rosemary tea contains triterpenes that prevent neuron cell death. According to reports, rosemary provides anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, and antidepressant effects.

Thus rosemary tea is effective in reducing memory loss and degeneration of neurons.

  • Anti-aging properties

It contains some powerful Antimicrobial and antioxidant Phytochemicals which help against the premature aging of our skin. Because of this, rosemary tea is magical for the skin. You can get rid of bacterial infection, fungal infection, acne, blisters, etc., by either drinking it or applying it.

Additionally, Rosmarinic acid is an antioxidant, so it removes all the free radicals. In this way, you get rid of wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation.  It also makes the skin look young, fresh, and glowing by tightening it.

  • Improve immune system

Rosemary is packed with vitamins and antioxidants, so it makes the immune system strong. Thus it prevents illnesses by bacteria and viruses. There is also a high amount of vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, and calcium in rosemary.

  • Improve blood sugar level and heart health

In rosemary, camphene, luteolin, and carnosol are present, which are very beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels and promoting cardiovascular health. A study published in the journal of ethnopharmacology examined the mechanism of rosemary on heart health. It was proved that it inhibits the peroxidation of lipids in rabbits.

Additionally, these phytochemicals are anti-diabetogenic and help diabetic patients manage insulin dependence in diabetic individuals.

Moreover, it makes blood circulation better and reduces the chances of thrombus formation and myocardial infarction.

  • May promote hair growth.

Rosemary is used to treating hair loss like alopecia. It makes the blood circulation good, stimulating hair follicles and increasing hair growth. Good blood circulation provides vital nutrients to hair follicles.

You can also use this tea as your shampoo to make your hair strong. It also eradicates dandruff.

  • Lower the inflammation and pain

Rosemary also has ant nociceptive properties; thus, it can help heal joints, reduce inflammation, and relieve painful allergic reactions.

In addition, Rosemary tea makes blood circulation good and reduces inflammation. It eradicates free radicals and chemical stress to help you get relief from cramps and neuralgic pain.

  • Improve digestion

Drinking rosemary tea makes your metabolism fast and keeps your GIT healthy. Rosemary tea has antispasmodic properties, which help in relieving gas and bloating. This tea is also good for healthy gut bacteria and absorption of nutrients.

In rosemary tea, carnosic acid is present. This acid maintains and balances the microflora and good bacteria in your gut. Thus rosemary tea can be used to treat upset stomach and nausea.

It makes your digestive system better; thus, you can eradicate infection easily. This way makes you healthy, and you can also lose weight easily.

  • Eliminate radicals

Rosemary tea contains antioxidants that eradicate free radicals and positively affect overall health.

Free radical causes oxidative Damage, which has associated with severe illnesses like mental illness, cancer, and premature aging. Thus rosemary helps in preventing these diseases

Potential Side Effects  Of Rosemary Tea

No doubt that rosemary comes with bundles of health benefits but it has some drawbacks such as

  • Allergies

You should avoid consuming Rosemary oil if you are allergic to the Rosemary plant or any other plant in the same family. People suffering from aspirin or Salicylate toxicity usually develop toxicity for Rosemary tea. Stop using it if you face any allergic symptoms like runny nose, itchy throat or difficulty breathing.

  • Pregnant Women

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding your baby, then avoid using rosemary tea. A compound present in Rosemary tea induce Menstrual periods and increase the risk of complication and miscarriages. It also induces uterine bleeding.

Potential drug instruction

Rosemary has potential drug interaction, so one must be cautious while using it.

Following drugs interact negatively with rosemary tea

These drugs are used to thin out your blood, so that blood clots are not formed.

  • ACE inhibitor

These are antihypertensive. These are used to lower high blood pressure

  • Diuretics

These increase urination and help the body to get rid of extra fluid.

  • Lithium

It is used to treat depression and other mental problems. Rosemary also provides similar effects like increased urination, prevention of clot formation, and lowering blood pressure. If you take lithium, rosemary causes the accumulation of lithium. This leads to the toxicity of lithium in the body.

Fun Facts About Rosemary Tea

  • In the 16 century, rosemary was considered an effective germs killer, which is why people often burned rosemary in the patient’s room to kill all germs.
  • Rosemary has the power to attract bees, so gardeners and farmers grow rosemary in their field to attract more bees for more pollination.
  • In old English traditions, brides gave rosemary to their groom as a fidelity symbol.
  • Rosemary aids you in overcoming iron deficiency because it has 3 times more iron than spinach.
  • In ancient times people used rosemary in wine to improve the bile creation and digestive system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Kids Below 13 Drink Rosemary Tea?

No, kids under 13 years can not drink rosemary tea because few small studies showed that rosemary tea is not for kids. However, they can use rosemary as spices in food.

Is It Okay To Use Too Much Rosemary Tea?

No, if you will drink excessive rosemary tea, it will cause health issues like excessive bleeding and miscarriage.

Does Rosemary Tea Have Caffeine?

No, rosemary tea is naturally caffeine-free

How Many Cups Of Rosemary Tea Should You Drink A Day?

According to experts, a maximum of three cups of rosemary tea is enough for a healthy person.

Can Digestive Patients Drink Rosemary Tea?

Yes, they can be used because it is safe for digestive patients. Even rosemary tea helps to reduce digestive issues.

How Long Can I Take The Tea?

There is no limit to drinking rosemary tea, but according to herb specialists, drinking rosemary tea for 3 months continuously is safe. After 3 months, take a break for 1 month and start your rosemary tea routine again.

Can I Make Rosemary Tea With Ginger?


Yes, there is no objection to using ginger tea with rosemary. You can add one teaspoon of grated ginger to one cup of rosemary tea.

Can I Drink Cold Rosemary Tea?

Yes, you drink cold rosemary tea; it is as beneficial as hot rosemary tea, so if you can not drink hot rosemary tea, drink it when it cools down and enjoy its flavor.

Is Rosemary Tea Good For Cough?

Warm rosemary tea is effective for getting rid of bad and old coughs. You can add sweetener to it to make it more delicious and effective.

Is Rosemary Tea Effective For PCOS?

There is no evidence that rosemary is effective for PCOS treatment. But it may help to regulate your period somehow. Further studies are required to know the effectiveness of rosemary tea.

What Is The Best Time To Drink Rosemary Tea?

There is no specific time for drinking rosemary tea. But few experts suggest drinking one cup of rosemary tea on an empty stomach and one cup before going to bed.

Can I Add Almond Milk Into Rosemary Tea?

Yes, you can add almond milk to your tea to make delicious ultimate rosemary milk tea. 

Is It Good To Add Sweetener To Rosemary Tea?

It’s fine if you add sweetener to rosemary drinks, but if you consume rosemary tea for weight loss, skip sweetener because added sweetener will trigger insulin production that can possibly lead to weight gain.

Can I Make Rosemary Tea With Dried Rosemary Leaves?

Yes, if fresh leaves are available, you can make your tea with dried rosemary leaves.

Which Is Best-Dried Rosemary Tea Or Fresh Rosemary Tea?

Fresh rosemary tea is way better than dried because fresh rosemary leaves contain more nutrients than dried rosemary trees.


Rosemary tea is a super drink because it offers impressive health benefits attributed to the phytochemicals and flavonoids.

This amazing tea helps you to treat different health issues such as Alzheimer’s, high blood sugar, heart issues, high blood pressure, obesity, depression, stress, etc. Additionally, it prevents liver damage, improves digestion, reduces oxidative stress.

More  tea recipes:

  1. Golden Milk Turmeric Tea
  2. Lemon Verbena Tea
  3. Mint Tea
  4. Oregano Tea
  5. Moringa Tea
  6. Parsley Tea
  7. Mango Leaf Tea
  8. Fennel Tea
  9. Ginger Tea
  10. Immunity Booster Tea
  11. Rosehip Tea
  12. Rooibos Tea
  13. Saffron Tea

overlay of rosemary tea in a copper mug with rosemary leaves and lemon slices

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